Marcom 1.5Tsuperconductive MRI scanner by STERNMED.
Technical Advantages
Marcom 1.5T has a lot of technical advantages: short cavity magnet with zero helium consumption, fully digitalized multi-channel spectrometer, high efficiency gradient system; Multi-channel PA RF receiving coil with intelligent identification, High resolution conventional clinical images and practical advanced functional imaging are a few of them.
Excellent outcome
The Short cavity magnet creates the most comfortability for the patient, on the other hand the high resolution images with thin slices incredibly improves the diagnosis and creates the most excellent outcome.
Fast Scan Speed
The super fast scan speed combined with the user friendly operation with the whole body phased array coil, improves the work flow efficiency of Marcom 1.5T.
Upgrade packages
Marcom 1.5T upgrade packages ensures your system updates to the latest MR technologies, this is not limited only to software also the hardware will be included in these upgrades packs.
Minimum Space Requirement
The brilliant magnet design creates a compact system to minimise the space requirement to 35 square meters.
Economic Investment
The upgrade packs, zero helium consumption, low electric consumption; low maintenance cost, smaller space requirement made Marcom 1.5T the most economic investment plan for hospitals and diagnostic centers.
Different Multi-channel phased array receiver coils Standard package
- Head coil, 8 channels
- Neck coil, 8 channels
- Body coil, 16 channels
- Knee coil, 8 channels
- Shoulder coil, 4 channels
- Ankle coil, 8 channels
- Wrist coil, 8 channels
- Breast coil, 4 channels
- CTL coil
- Finger coil, 8 channels
- Fully digital RF system
- 4K cold head technology
- Image reconstruction speed 1500 fps
- Parallel acquisition technology platform
- Technology of liquid helium “zero” consumption
- Maxi. gradient field and slew rate reached at the same time
- Fully digital real-time transmit and receiving gradient control system
- Patient table can be controlled by machine cover in case of emergency
- Superconductive Magnet Type
- Field Strength 1.5T
- Active Shielding
- Active + Passive + Dynamic Shimming Method
- Longest time of 3D automatic dynamic shimming 30s
- Magnet stability ≤1ppm/h
- Inner diameter of magnet 605mm
- Max. reconstruction speed (FFT) 1500 FPS
- 2D thickness 0.1mm
- 3D thickness 0.05mm
- FOV 10~500 mm
- Water cooling gradient
- Gradient strength 40mT/m
- Slew rate 150mT/m/ms
- Real-time digital RF energy monitoring
- RF receiver 16 channels
- Each coil unit has corresponding pre-amplifier
- Different Multi-channel phased array receiver coil
- Patient table motor driven
- Patient table horizontal movement range 185cm
- Patient table maximum patient weight 200kg
- DICOM 3.0
Pulse sequences
- Spin-echo sequence
- GRE sequence
- EPI sequence
- IR sequence
- Special K space filling and data processing method
Advanced imaging technology
- Body Imaging
- Neuro imaging
- Diffusion weighted imaging (DWI)
- MR angiography (MRA)
- Susceptibility Weighted Imaging (SWI)
- Parallel acquisition technology
- Artifact correction technology
Clinical images
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